Friday, April 25, 2008


While looking up my topic i dicovered alot of interesting ad also alot of distrurbing things. When looking on google i actually found alot of topics so i started clickeng on some one pulled up this web site which was a positve web site and to me was a good start to my research it was about this guy named jim jordon who is actually dilivering a highschool antibulling program that offers tangible caontent, which both measurable , educational and of course fun. And with this program he hopes that it will decrease the bulling in schools and bring something else to there mind like thinking about school work or even there education. after looking at this web site i went ojn to another one to see the negative sides to also see the affects. And learned something that i never new i was on cnn.con and by there facts bulling in schools and teasing tops the list of childrens school troubles which is sad and that many students say that talking to there parents doesnt do anything to ease the stress. Another fact is that teasing and taunting at schools is the number one cause in the recent fatal school shootings that just have occured pretty sad huh. There are other facts today that bulling doesnt just stay at school it also lingers outside the schools in such places as the internet which is called ''cyber bullying''this is a big thing and it can get out of has been proved that taunting and bulling appear to have played a role in recent fatal school shootings to. there are other things that were intersting but im not going to go on but what if you were being bullied what would your reaction be positive or negative?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any type of bulling weather mental or physical is wrong in my eyes. Growing up I was a very shy child and that made me the perfect canidate for bulling,espeacially by older students when I was still in middle school. Now that I am older, and I know that I can play an important role in younger kids life when it comes to bulling and I do. I feel that any time us older teenagers see bulling around us I feel it is our place to step in and let them know that it will not be allowed or permitted! I think we can make a difference if we all join in.