Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Does the characters experiences cause them to grow??

Payton the main character, has had alot of experiences since the time. First off she's had trouble figuring out who she wants as a boyfriend in college. Because of the fact that they both go to her college and they don't get along and they play on the same football team, she's been having some major difficulties. They also went to a party, the three of them together and she had some jealousy issues because they were both dancing with other women. So she goes and finds someone to dance with and tries to show off in front of them and make herself known to the both of them. She also has a roomate that lives with her who she wasn't so sure that she wanted to live with because she was a different race from her and she was scared that people were going to be talking about her because the majority of the people in the school was white and she was african american.

So after a while she stopped caring what other peope thought and he started praying everyday to God and asking him to kee[p her and help her not to focus so much on what people had to think or say about her and that she would stop focusing so much on her ex-boyfriends and start focusind on her school work before she started failing and missing classes. Her roomate on the other hand was having problems in gymnastics and so Payton would pray with her and I think that her motivation to strive and do good in her classes and praying is helping her do better and to help other people

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Good look at conflict.