Friday, December 14, 2007

The story is faced with many consequences not knowing whats going to happen next. This bring about conflict. The conflict in the story is the main impact. The conflict is they live they lives every day,but the guy that knows what they did last summer hunts they every move and any thing could happen. The characters are trying to end the conflict but time is running out. To be honest they have no idea of who has the fate to be the last person standing.My favorite character Julie has the strong charactics to make it through. She was the first person to receive the letter and you never know the last person to be standing. At the same time she afraid but every time she escapes.

At the turning point the plot begins to pull me in. This is because of the intensity of the story of how the guy is after them day by day.The story has horror and suspense which makes you more interested in the story.

1 comment:

Mr. Malley said...

Aside from the first sentence, good response.