Saturday, February 9, 2008

"Sold", by P. McCormick (finished)

Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations? Were you disappointed?

Throughout the novel, I enjoyed the reading and was satsified will the details and how realistic the book seemed. My only disappointment was at the end of the novel because it leaves the reader will many unanswered questions and which did not fulfill my expectations. The whole reading was about a young girl's struggle to get freedom from her slavery and return to her beloved family but, the novel ends with no sloid evidence of weather the main character fails or does in fact return. I feel the matter in which the novel ended made the reading pointless because the reader is left with so many doubts about the characters. I know I grew a bond with the many character, as I do with all the charcters I read about and not knowing what happens to her life weather good or bad bothers me.

I feel all novels should end in closure, may it be with death or happiness, a new life or sorrow. The biggest impact a book has on a reader is the end, so a writter should put their all into leaving an amazing impression with the reader, so they would continue to read thier works. I can't be sure if I will ever read another piece of litature witten by Patricia McCormick. I feel if I would have liked "Sold", it would have been a greater chance that I would continue to read her I have doubts. If you were in my place, like the novel but not the ending, would you give the author a 2nd chance by reading another one of their novels or stop reading their books completely?

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