Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Business Administration: Reflection

As I ended my research to find the answer to my essential question, I feel very satisfied with what I was able to get out of this project. But before I get ahead of myself let me take you back to my essential question, What is business administration and is it the choice for me? After four weeks of researching my topic and all the things that can possibly relate to it , I found an answer....... YES business administration is the choice for me. Many are probably wondering what I mean by, it is the "choice" for me. When I say choice, what I mean is this is going to be the focus of the route I continue to follow the rest of my life such as going to college to get a degree in business and entering a career that's many objective focus's on business. Any and every doubt I had about entering the Field of business has been total erased after I had the opportunity to do some in depth research on the topic and got the answers to all my unanswered questions. I now know that I can definitely be happy and secure entering into a business degree program, which I feel I can handle and graduate without hesitation. That program will then lead me into a carer that I will love the rest of my life, where I can work hand and hand with the community and continue to challenge myself mentally. Any job I decide to pursuit that deals with business will be able to support my life style completely, which in reality is very important. So I know business will be a sure way to get all the doors I need open for me because as I now see it a degree in business is only the beginning and what lies ahead is plenty of opportunity!
I definitely think that this senior research project went in my favor, which I was hoping it would because I was already gong to ECC for business administration this up coming fall. So I feel I had a lot of success with this project which as a big relief and almost a weight off my chest. I'm sure that I have learned my lesson on making such sudden choices when it comes to such life changing decisions. And from now on I voe to find out all my facts before I act on anything. But what I am certain about is where my life is going after high school, which all juniors and seniors should be thinking about. Just because your coming to a end with this journey don't mean a new one doesn't begin. Life goes on with or without you and you have to keep your eye on the prize and know what your next step will be. Luckily for me I made it just on time and know I'm back on track......... College here I come! For I have a date with destiny, I will become a business woman.


ChanWillTheyWont said...

well this is my sixth post comment one over but i wanted to comment on one of yours. i dig that you wanna help change your community and help others and that you want to go into business i'm sure we need more minority women and even more so latinas :) (hope i spelled that right)in business. so keep up that good work, im certain you'll be successful

ASHLEY said...