Monday, April 14, 2008

Is journalism really what i want to go to school for??

Journalism has always been something that i've wanted to do ever since I was in the 7th grade. I would love to be a journalist for the simple fact it's something that interest me in many ways and I can relate to it. But I have many questions on the subject that I'm trying to have answered. I'm trying to research and decide which type of journalisn i would like to take, if journalism is really what i would like to do, or is music really my top passion. I seem to sometimes have a battle in my mind on the two topics because their both two career choices that i have pictured myself doing and now that i'm a senior i feel that there's no better time than now to have my questions answered. The reason i chose the topic "Is Journalism Really What I Want To Go To School For"..?, is because I'm geting ready to go into the real world and I need to start narrowing my career choices down and clearing the path for a long-lasting career that will take me through many years. Sometimes I feel journalism is for me and at other times I feel that it's a dream, but nothing that I could pursue years and years on. Music on the other hand, i've been doing it for so long that i feel it's a part of me that will never leave. But i would also like to do something different because my music may not make it in the industry and I would like to have something stable.

I hope I did this right Mr. Malley lol

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