Friday, April 18, 2008



Now I am beginning to look into my research question. The first step I took was asking females do they agree with this. Many did agree so now I really think my question could be proven. There are many studies that show males take advantage.That when i reasearched the question on the computer and these are some of the answers I found.From this website:"Why do men try to take advantage of a woman and how could a woman allow it to happen?." # 2 months ago .
men like to take advantage of a woman to show that they are "on top of their game". most likely they were not brought up to respect woman. and woman allow it because they like the attention. most likely they were not brought up to respect themselves.

Because they know what to say and how to say and woman sometimes get to a point where they just want to be loved and so they think it is love when the man is just wanting some satisfaction and then the woman gets hurt.

I chose these two answers because I can strongly agree most ot these incidents come from low self esteem. We tend to fall more for the words then the person and thats the same for falling for lust instead of love. This when men take advantage virbally and physically. This is why I like this topic because this problem do need to be brought up. So far I have got good feed backs from this topic. Now its time to explore some more......


d.hrdy said...

It seems to me that some let men take over them because you dont haave to do nothing that you dont want to do unless you have a job and your boss ask you to do but even then you wont have to listen to them.

Anonymous said...

I simply see it as this. Any women who lets a man take advantage of her is simply stupid unless she have no control over it(ex.being raped) thats the only exception. Other than that there is no love thats that strong thats forcing you to stay with someone who isnt treating you rite. If you allow that than your standards are at a level where they shouldnt be "low". But sometimes it isnt always the men the women play her part to.She may throw or put herself out there with a level of respect that she deserve to be treated like a dormat.So I dont think this question is appropriate. I think you should change it to something more affective like "what do females do to cause a male to take advantage of her" or "What can females do to prevent from being taking advantage of by males".